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Vellox supports the ASGI Lifespan protocol. This allows applications to define lifespan startup and shutdown event handlers.

from vellox import Vellox
from fastapi import FastAPI

app = FastAPI()

async def startup_event():

async def shutdown_event():

def read_root():
    return {"Hello": "World"}

vellox = Vellox(app, lifespan="auto")

def handler(request):
    return vellox(request)

Configuring Lifespan events

Lifespan support is automatically determined unless explicitly turned on or off. A string value option is used to configure lifespan support, the choices are auto, on, and off.


  • auto

    Application support for lifespan is inferred using the state transitions. Any error that occurs during startup will be logged and the ASGI application cycle will continue unless a lifespan.startup.failed event is sent.

  • on

    Application support for lifespan is explicit. Any error that occurs during startup will be raised and a 500 response will be returned.

  • off

    Application support for lifespan is ignored. The application will not enter the lifespan cycle context.

Defaults to auto.

State machine

The LifespanCycle is a state machine that handles ASGI lifespan events intended to run before and after HTTP requests are handled.


class vellox.protocols.lifespan.LifespanCycle(app, lifespan)

Manages the application cycle for an ASGI lifespan connection.

  • app - An asynchronous callable that conforms to version 3.0 of the ASGI specification. This will usually be an ASGI framework application instance.
  • lifespan - A string to configure lifespan support. Choices are auto, on, and off. Default is auto.
  • state - An enumerated LifespanCycleState type that indicates the state of the ASGI connection.
  • exception - An exception raised while handling the ASGI event. This may or may not be raised depending on the state.
  • app_queue - An asyncio queue (FIFO) containing messages to be received by the application.
  • startup_event - An asyncio event object used to control the application startup flow.
  • shutdown_event - An asyncio event object used to control the application shutdown flow.
async run(self)

Calls the application with the lifespan connection scope.

async receive(self)

Awaited by the application to receive ASGI lifespan events.

async send(self, message)

Awaited by the application to send ASGI lifespan events.

async startup(self)

Pushes the lifespan startup event to the queue and handles errors.

async shutdown(self)

Pushes the lifespan shutdown event to the queue and handles errors.

Context manager

Unlike the HTTPCycle class, the LifespanCycle is also used as a context manager in the adapter class. If lifespan support is turned off, then the application never enters the lifespan cycle context.

 with ExitStack() as stack:
    # Ignore lifespan events entirely if the `lifespan` setting is `off`.
    if self.lifespan in ("auto", "on"):
        asgi_cycle: typing.ContextManager = LifespanCycle(
  , self.lifespan

The magic methods __enter__ and __exit__ handle running the async tasks that perform startup and shutdown functions.

    def __enter__(self) -> None:
        Runs the event loop for application startup.

    def __exit__(
        exc_type: typing.Optional[typing.Type[BaseException]],
        exc_value: typing.Optional[BaseException],
        traceback: typing.Optional[types.TracebackType],
    ) -> None:
        Runs the event loop for application shutdown.


class vellox.protocols.lifespan.LifespanCycleState(value, names=None, *, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1)

The state of the ASGI lifespan connection.

  • CONNECTING - Initial state. The ASGI application instance will be run with the connection scope containing the lifespan type.
  • STARTUP - The lifespan startup event has been pushed to the queue to be received by the application.
  • SHUTDOWN - The lifespan shutdown event has been pushed to the queue to be received by the application.
  • FAILED - A lifespan failure has been detected, and the connection will be closed with an error.
  • UNSUPPORTED - An application attempted to send a message before receiving the lifepan startup event. If the lifespan argument is "on", then the connection will be closed with an error.